Conquer Public Speaking Phobias!
Fear of public speaking is one of the most common anxiety producing issues in the world. The National Institute of Mental Health reports that 74% of Americans suffer from some level of speech anxiety. In a world where our careers and sometimes our social lives are based on our ability to communicate effectively to others in front of groups, fear of public speaking is an increasingly troublesome issue for those who suffer from it. Like all phobias, the actual fear response is by definition completely disproportionate to the actual event.
Regardless of how bad a person feels a speech may go, it never justifies the level of panic and anxiety that those who suffer from a phobia of public speaking feel. The intense anxiety and feeling of panic that many experience before having to speak in front of others is the type of fear response that’s normally indicative of a true life-threatening event.

Whether you have a fear of giving speeches, work presentations, or even just speaking casually in front of a group of friends, everyone's public speaking phobia is unique.

Asher has helped many clients from a variety of backgrounds, each with their own individual reasons for fearing what they believe will be the ridicule they receive if they are forced to speak while being the center of attention. His process for overcoming their fear of speaking in front of others focuses on uncovering and treating the root cause, not just addressing the symptom.
Like most phobias, the fear of public speaking usually originates in childhood. However, while it sometimes begins with a negative experience of having to speak in front of others during school or in youth, quite frequently, the origin of public speaking fears does not stem from a specific traumatic instance of public speaking in childhood. Instead, it often arises from multiple other instances that impacted general self-esteem in ways that, at a subconscious level, became connected with public speaking. As an adult, this then translates into an intense fear that ranges from panicking about giving formal presentations at work to experiencing intense anxiety at the thought of even just speaking a few casual words in front of a group of close friends.
Phobias Are Rooted in the Deep Inner Mind and Healing them Requires a Subconscious Focused Solution
Because these childhood events and the beliefs that came from them are subconscious, working with a clinically qualified subconscious behaviorist and clinical hypnotherapist like Asher Fox is the best and fastest way of eliminating a fear of public speaking. Because the fear of public speaking is often based on deeper subconscious self-esteem issues, when these issues are resolved being able to speak in public is often only one of the many benefits. Quite frequently a generalized increase in self-esteem results that allows you to perform better in all areas of life.
Asher's Integrative Approach Helps Directly Target These
Symptoms and Many Others Not Listed Here.