Conquer Aerophobia and Enjoy Airplane Travel

Would you like to eliminate your fear of flying? Asher Fox specializes in quickly curing fears and phobias and can have you feeling peaceful and calm on an airplane sooner than you may expect. Fear of flying and airplanes can be one of the most troublesome phobias because it restricts our ability to travel in the modern world. Even though you may know that statistically planes are actually safer than cars it doesn’t help stop the fear and panic when it comes time to fly. This is because the origin of this phobia is in your subconscious mind and quite frequently may not even have anything to do directly with airplanes.

Quite frequently, the fear of flying is related to subconscious issues concerning control and safety, often originating from hidden childhood memories of which you may not even be aware. After all, if the fear was actually based on the likelihood of you being in an accident you would actually be 29 times more afraid of driving (to be statistically accurate). Using Clinical Hypnotherapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, and other Neuroscience and psychodynamic based modalities, Asher will work with you to uncover the hidden subconscious reasons for your fear, allowing you to quickly eliminate your fear of flying. If you have a fear of flying and want to enjoy your time on airplanes call us today and take advantage of Asher's experience and expertise in quickly eliminating airplane fears and flying phobias.

Asher's Integrative approach helps directly target these symptoms and many others not listed here

  • Muscle tension and tremors when thinking of flying
  • Heavy difficult breathing
  • Abdominal discomfort and intestinal issues
  • Heart pain and palpitations
  • Sweating, dizziness and weakness
  • Feelings of panic and anxiety