Conquer Arachnophobia and Stop Fearing Spiders
Fear of spiders, or arachnophobia, can be a troublesome problem that can easily be cured with the right approach. While most people don’t enjoy the idea or presence of spiders, people who suffer from arachnophobia have a disproportionate response to either seeing, or often just thinking about spiders. Like all phobias, to be able to exist and produce such an extreme reaction requires the fear to be in the subconscious where it can only be accessed with modalities like Virtual Clinical Hypnotherapy and Neuro-Linguistic Programming. You know that this is true because your conscious mind, which is your analytical and reasoning mind, couldn’t be where the fear resides because you intellectually know that the spider can actually do you little to no harm and if you chose to, you could easily squash it, swat it or if nothing else just walk away. Through Asher's multi-modality approach the deeper connected fear can be uncovered and healed, allowing you to forever leave behind your spider phobia.
Asher's Integrative approach helps directly target the symptoms of phobias, such as Fear of Spiders
The Asher Fox's Fear of Spiders Program focuses on quickly eliminating arachnophobia by going to its root cause in your subconscious. Frequently forgotten memories from childhood are usually the source of the arachnophobia and once uncovered we are able to quickly reprocess the memory and desensitize it in a way that leaves you completely free from your previous fear of spiders. In other cases the source of the fear has little to do with an event in the past actually involving spiders, but instead spiders have come to symbolize something from your past that has become subconsciously linked. In these instances, once this unconscious link is uncovered and severed and the real issue dealt with, the associated spider phobia quickly fades away.